Dataset Fields A-Z

This is a list of all fields that exist within the Mydex API.

If you can't see the field that you are looking for, you can reach us on our support channels, or visit our support page here.


Try typing into the fields below to filter a column to show matching rows :

Display Name Data Set Field Name Data Type Field Description Field Example
Date Created Assurance Log assurance_created int The timestamp of the created Assurance record.
Data Used Assurance Log assurance_data_used varchar The actual data used to gain the assurance level.
IDP Assurance Log assurance_idp varchar The IDP of the assurance record.
Assurance Level Assurance Log assurance_level int The level of assurance.
Matching Datasets Assurance Log assurance_matching_datasets varchar The matching datasets used for the assurance level.
PID Assurance Log assurance_pid varchar The PID of the record (GOV.UK Assurance).
Assurance Log ID Assurance Log id serial The primary identifier for Assurance record.
Assurance Log Instance Assurance Log instance int The instance this transaction relates to.
Assurance Log Source Assurance Log source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Account Name Bank Account field_ba_account_name text The members account name Mr Joe Bloggs
Account Number Bank Account field_ba_account_number text The members account number 12345678
Bank Name Bank Account field_ba_bank_name text The name of the members bank HSBC
Branch Bank Account field_ba_branch text The members branch name Watford
Branch Address Country Bank Account field_ba_branch_country text The bank country England
Branch Address County Bank Account field_ba_branch_county text The bank county Essex
Branch Address PostCode Bank Account field_ba_branch_postcode text The bank postcode NB1 1AZ
Branch Address Street Bank Account field_ba_branch_street text The bank street name and building name/ number 1 High Street
Branch Address Telephone Bank Account field_ba_branch_telephone text The bank telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Branch Address Town Bank Account field_ba_branch_town text The bank town Watford
Current Balance Bank Account field_ba_current_balance currency The current balance on the account 23.45
Date From Bank Account field_ba_date_from date The date the member opened the account 29222
Date To Bank Account field_ba_date_to date The date the member closed the account 29222
Overdraft Limit Bank Account field_ba_overdraft_limit currency The overdraft limit on the account 200
Sort Code Bank Account field_ba_sort_code text The sort code on the members account xx-xx-xx
Type Bank Account field_ba_type text The type of bank account held by the member Savings
Transactions Date Bank Account Transactions ba_transaction_date date The date of the transaction 29222
Transactions Description Bank Account Transactions ba_transaction_description text The transaction description Salary
Transactions Transaction Type Bank Account Transactions ba_transaction_type text The type of transaction Direct Debit
Transactions Value Bank Account Transactions ba_transaction_value currency The value of the transaction 111.11
Currency Code Bank Account Transactions ba_transaction_value_currency_code text Currency code for the transaction GBP
Bank Account Transaction ID Bank Account Transactions id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Bank Account Transaction Instance Bank Account Transactions instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Bank Account Transaction Source Bank Account Transactions source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Country Birth Details field_birth_country text The Country in which the member was born England
Date Of Birth Birth Details field_birth_dob date The member's date of birth 29222
Nationality Birth Details field_birth_nationality text The member's nationality British
Town Birth Details field_birth_town text The town in which the member was born Manchester
Blood Glucose Level Blood Glucose Log blood_glucose_level floating point The blood glucose level or concentration 4.3
Measurement End Timestamp Blood Glucose Log blood_glucose_timestamp_end int End time and date of blood glucose measurement 1648633780
Measurement Start Timestamp Blood Glucose Log blood_glucose_timestamp_start int Start time and date of blood glucose measurement 1648633780
ID Blood Glucose Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Meal Type Blood Glucose Log meal_type int What type of meal the user ate around when the reading was taken. 3
Meal Type Description Blood Glucose Log meal_type_description varchar Description of Meal type Lunch
Measurement Group Blood Glucose Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Nutrition Log ID Blood Glucose Log nutrition_log_id int The link to the nutrition log record 1
Created Timestamp Blood Glucose Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Blood Glucose Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Blood Glucose Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Blood Glucose Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Blood Glucose Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Blood Glucose Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
Specimen Source Blood Glucose Log specimen_source int Type of body fluid used to measure blood glucose 4
Specimen Source Description Blood Glucose Log specimen_source_description varchar Type of body fluid used to measure blood glucose Serum
Temporal relation to meal Blood Glucose Log temporal_relation_to_meal int When reading taken compared to when person ate 4
Temporal relation to meal description Blood Glucose Log temporal_relation_to_meal_description varchar When reading taken compared to when person ate description Reading was taken after a meal
Temporal relation to sleep Blood Glucose Log temporal_relation_to_sleep int When the reading was taken compared to when the user slept. 1
Temporal relation to sleep Blood Glucose Log temporal_relation_to_sleep_description varchar Description of when the reading was taken compared to when the user slept User was fully awake
Measurement Timestamp End Blood Pressure Log blood_pressure_timestamp_end int End time and date of blood pressure measurement 1648633780
Measurement Timestamp Start Blood Pressure Log blood_pressure_timestamp_start int Start time and date of blood pressure measurement 1648633780
Body Position Blood Pressure Log body_position int Code defining the body position 1
Body Position Description Blood Pressure Log body_position_description varachar Position of body during measurement Standing
Diastolic Blood Pressure Log diastolic floating point The diastolic measurement in mmHg 75.7
ID Blood Pressure Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement Group Blood Pressure Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Blood Pressure Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Measurement Location Blood Pressure Log measurement_location int Code defing the location on the body where pressure reading taken 1
Measurement Location Description Blood Pressure Log measurement_location_description varchar Description of the location on the body where pressure reading taken Left Wrist
Created Timestamp Blood Pressure Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Blood Pressure Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Blood Pressure Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Blood Pressure Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Blood Pressure Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Blood Pressure Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
Systolic Blood Pressure Log systolic floating point The systolic measurement in mmHg 120.7
Body Temperature Body Temperature Log body_temperature floating point Body Temperature 36.7
Body Temperature Measurement Location Body Temperature Log body_temperature_measurement_location int Where temperature was taken on body 3
Body Temperature Measurement Location Description Body Temperature Log body_temperature_measurement_location_description varchar Where temperature was taken on body Forehead
End Measurement Timestamp Body Temperature Log body_temperature_timestamp_end int End time and date of body temperature measurement 1648633780
Start Measurement Timestamp Body Temperature Log body_temperature_timestamp_start int Start time and date of body temperature measurement 1648633780
ID Body Temperature Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement Group Body Temperature Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Body Temperature Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Created Timestamp Body Temperature Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Body Temperature Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Body Temperature Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Body Temperature Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Body Temperature Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Body Temperature Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
Bookmark Annotation Bookmarks bookmark_annotation text Any user annotations against the bookmark Great stuff.
Browser Bookmarks bookmark_browser varchar The browser this bookmark was captured on.
Bookmark Created Bookmarks bookmark_created date The date the bookmark was originally saved 1343844034
Bookmark Description Bookmarks bookmark_description text The description of tthe bookmark The Space is a digital arts service from Arts Council England and the BBC, bringing great theatre, concerts, opera, dance, film and more to every screen.
Device Name Bookmarks bookmark_device_name varchar The name of the device this bookmark was captured on.
Bookmark Media Duration Bookmarks bookmark_duration text If the media type is video, this stores the duration / length 0.458321759259259
Bookmark Media Height Bookmarks bookmark_height text If the media type is image or video, this stores the height of the asset 400px
Bookmark Media Type Bookmarks bookmark_media_type text The media type of the bookmark. One of ‘image’, ‘video’ and ‘page’ currently. page
Bookmark Modified Bookmarks bookmark_modified date The date the bookmark was last updated 1343844034
Tab Bookmarks bookmark_tab varchar The tab this bookmark was captured on.
Bookmark Tags Bookmarks bookmark_tags text The tags associated with the bookmark arts, media
Bookmark Title Bookmarks bookmark_title text The title of the bookmark. Usually grabbed from the page’s title. The Space
Bookmark URL Bookmarks bookmark_url text The url of the bookmark. Could be either a page URL, or a media path e.g. image / video / audio / file
Bookmark Media Width Bookmarks bookmark_width text If the media type is image or video, this stores the width of the asset 800px
Bookmark ID Bookmarks id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Bookmark Instance Bookmarks instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Bookmark Source Bookmarks source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Browser Browsing History browsing_history_browser varchar The browser this bookmark was captured on.
Device Name Browsing History browsing_history_device_name varchar The name of the device this bookmark was captured on.
Tab Browsing History browsing_history_tab varchar The tab this bookmark was captured on.
Browsing History Title Browsing History browsing_history_title text The title of the web page. The Space
Browsing History URL Browsing History browsing_history_url text The url used.
Browsing History Visit Date Browsing History browsing_history_visit_date date The date when the web page was visited. 1343844034
Browsing History ID Browsing History id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Browsing History Instance Browsing History instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Browsing History Source Browsing History source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Cervical mucus amount Cervical Mucus Log cervical_mucus_amount int Amount of cervical mucus 1
Cervical mucus amount description Cervical Mucus Log cervical_mucus_amount_description varchar Description of amount of cervical mucus Light
Cervical mucus texture Cervical Mucus Log cervical_mucus_texture int Classification of mucus texture 1
Cervical mucus texture description Cervical Mucus Log cervical_mucus_texture_description varchar Description of classification of mucus texture Dry, little or no mucus
Measurement Timestamp Cervical Mucus Log cervical_mucus_timestamp int Time and Date of cervical mucus measurement 1648633780
ID Cervical Mucus Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement Group Cervical Mucus Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Cervical Mucus Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Created Timestamp Cervical Mucus Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Cervical Mucus Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Cervical Mucus Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Cervical Mucus Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Cervical Mucus Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Cervical Mucus Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
Cervical Dilation Cervical Position Log cervical_dilation int How open or dilated is cervix 2
Cervical Dilation Description Cervical Position Log cervical_dilation_description varchar Description of how open or dilated is cervix Partially open cervix
Cervical Firmness Cervical Position Log cervical_firmness int How firm the cervix is 3
Cervical Firmness Description Cervical Position Log cervical_firmness_description varchar Description of how firm the cervix is Cervix is firm
Cervical Position Cervical Position Log cervical_position int Position of Cervix 1
Cervical Position description Cervical Position Log cervical_position_description varchar Description of the Position of Cervix Cervix is Low
Measurement End Timestamp Cervical Position Log cervical_position_measurement_timestamp_end int Cervical Mucus measurement end date and time 1648633780
Measurement Start Timestamp Cervical Position Log cervical_position_measurement_timestamp_start int Cervical Mucus measurement start date and time 1648633780
ID Cervical Position Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement Group Cervical Position Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Cervical Position Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Created Timestamp Cervical Position Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Cervical Position Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Cervical Position Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Cervical Position Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Cervical Position Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Cervical Position Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
About Me Community Profile field_cp_about_me
Community Roles Community Profile field_cp_community_roles
Community Membership Preferences Community Profile field_cp_com_membership_prefs
Display Name Community Profile field_cp_display_name
Website Community Profile field_cp_website
Variable Name Connection Variables var_name varchar Variable Name. Test
Variable Value Connection Variables var_value blob Variable Name. {"var": "test"}
Autofill Credentials cred_autofill text Flag set if the details are used to autofill the website page Yes
Date Created Credentials cred_date_created date Date the record was created 1638375529
Date Modified Credentials cred_date_modified date Date when the record was last modified 1638375529
Email Credentials cred_email text email address, if different from the username
Notes Credentials cred_notes text Additional notes Notes
Passphrase Credentials cred_passphrase text A unique code the member has set up for an account (distinct from password) 987654DGF
Password Credentials cred_password text Member's password on the website *password*
Recovery Email Credentials cred_recovery_email text Email address used for account recovery (not the one registered for the service)
Recovery Phone Credentials cred_recovery_phone text Telephone number used for account recovery 07123456789
Title Credentials cred_title text Identifying name for the record Google
URL Credentials cred_url text Web site to which the password applies
Username Credentials cred_username text Member's username on the website JohnyD
ID Credentials id number Reference number for the record 21
Credentials Instance Credentials instance int The instance this record relates to. 2
Credentials Source Credentials source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Transactions Date Credit Card cc_transaction_date date The date of the transaction 29222
Transactions Transaction Type Credit Card cc_transaction_type text The type of transaction
Account Name Credit Card field_cc_account_name text The members surname on the card Jones
Account Number Credit Card field_cc_account_number text The account number 12345678
Card Type Credit Card field_cc_card_type text The type of credit card VISA
Contact Address Country Credit Card field_cc_contact_country text The members contact country England
Contact Address County Credit Card field_cc_contact_county text The members contact county Essex
Contact Address PostCode Credit Card field_cc_contact_postcode text The members contact postcode NB1 1AZ
Contact Address Street Credit Card field_cc_contact_street text The member contact house number and street name 1 High Street
Contact Address Telephone Credit Card field_cc_contact_telephone text The members contact telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Contact Address Town Credit Card field_cc_contact_town text The members contact town Watford
Credit Limit Credit Card field_cc_credit_limit currency The credit limit 2000
Balance Credit Card field_cc_current_balance currency The current balance of the credit card 245.67
Date From Credit Card field_cc_date_from date The date the member opened the account 29222
Date To Credit Card field_cc_date_to date The date the member closed the account 29222
Supplier Credit Card field_cc_supplier text The credit card supplier HSBC
Transactions Description Credit Card Transactions cc_transaction_description text The transaction description Cash
Transactions Value Credit Card Transactions cc_transaction_value currency The value of the transaction 111.11
Currency Code Credit Card Transactions cc_transaction_value_currency_code text Currency code for the transaction GBP
Credit Card Transactions ID Credit Card Transactions id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Credit Card Transactions Instance Credit Card Transactions instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Credit Card Transactions Source Credit Card Transactions source text The source of the data - user or connection.
App Name Device App Settings app_setting_app_name varchar The name of the app. Messaging app
Device Name Device App Settings app_setting_device_name varchar The name of the Device. Tablet
Setting Name Device App Settings app_setting_name varchar The name of the variable. Switched on
Setting Type Device App Settings app_setting_type varchar The type of setting. Value, Boolean (yes/no, on/off), Range (0 100 45). yes/no
Setting Value Device App Settings app_setting_value varchar The value/status of the variable. yes
Device App Settings ID Device App Settings id serial The primary identifier for a device record. 1
Device App Settings Instance Device App Settings instance int Instance - only because the API expects an instance. 4
Device App Settings Source Device App Settings source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Action Device Log action varchar Action 45
Created Timestamp Device Log created_timestamp int Timestamp of when the record was created. 1642137111
End Timestamp Device Log end_time int End Timestamp 1642137111
Event ID Device Log event_id int Event ID 45
External ID Device Log external_id int External ID. 1
ID Device Log id serial The primary identifier for this record.
Instance Device Log instance int The instance this item relates to.
Log Time Device Log log_time int Log Time. 1642137111
Sensor Type ID Device Log sensor_type_id int The type of the sensor (for devices with multiple sensors) 123
Sensor Value Device Log sensor_value int The value of the sensor 123
Source Device Log source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Start Timestamp Device Log start_time int Start Timestamp 123
Building ID Device Record building_id int Building ID. 1
IMEI Device Record device_imei varchar The IMEI of the device. 186122708298561
MAC Address Device Record device_mac_address varchar The MAC Address of the device. 01-23-45-67-89-AB
Model Number Device Record device_model_number varchar The model number of the device. 123AM45678
Name Device Record device_name varchar Device Name. Tablet-John
Phone Number Device Record device_phone_number varchar The phone number of the device. 07123456789
Serial Number Device Record device_serial_number varchar The serial number of the device. AB123456BC7
Software Version Number Device Record device_software_version_number varchar The software version number the device is running. 10.1
Type Device Record device_type varchar Device Type. Tablet
External ID Device Record external_id int External ID. 1
Device Record ID Device Record id serial The primary identifier for a device record. 1
Device Record Instance Device Record instance int The instance this device record relates to. 2
Memo Device Record memo varchar Memo Description of the device
Device Record Source Device Record source varchar The source of the data - user or connection (uid or con_id).
Status Device Record status int Status 1
User ID Device Record user_id int User ID. 1
Date Of Birth Driving Licence field_dl_dob date The members date of birth 29222
Expiry Alert Driving Licence field_dl_expiry_alert date
Groups Driving Licence field_dl_groups field_collection_table
Category Driving Licence field_dl_groups_category text
Date From Driving Licence field_dl_group_date_from date
Date To Driving Licence field_dl_group_date_to date
Issue Country Driving Licence field_dl_issue_country text United Kingdom
Issuing Authority Driving Licence field_dl_issuing_authority text The authority that issued the members driving licence DVLA
Licence Number Driving Licence field_dl_licence_number text The members driving licence number 888  8888 888
Other Names Driving Licence field_dl_other_names text The member's surname Jones
Place Of Birth Driving Licence field_dl_pob text The Country in which the member was born England
Surname Driving Licence field_dl_surname text The members surname Jones
Valid From Driving Licence field_dl_valid_from date The date from which the members driving dicence is Valid 29222
Valid To Driving Licence field_dl_valid_to date The expiry date of the members driving licence 29222
Address Country Education field_edu_country text The establishment country England
Address County Education field_edu_county text The establishment county Essex
Courses Education field_edu_courses field_collection_embed
Date Education field_edu_course_date date The date the member was awarded the qualification 29222
Level Education field_edu_course_level text The level of the course A Level
Mode Of Study Education field_edu_course_mode_of_study text The mode of study for the course Full Time
Name Education field_edu_course_name text The name of the course the member undertook Computer Science
Results Attained Education field_edu_course_results text The grades awarded Pass
Address DateFrom Education field_edu_date_from date The date the member started at the establishment 29222
Address DateTo Education field_edu_date_to date The date the member left the establishment 29222
Establishment Name Education field_edu_establishment_name text The name of the establishment Kings School
Address PostCode Education field_edu_postcode text The establishment postcode NB1 1AZ
Address Street Education field_edu_street text The establishment street name and building name/ number 1 High Street
Address Telephone Education field_edu_telephone text The establishment telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Address Town Education field_edu_town text The establishment town Watford
Type Education field_edu_type text The type of establishment School
Address URL Education field_edu_url text The establishment URL
Employee ID Employer field_emp_employee_id text The member's employee ID
Employer Name Employer field_emp_employer_name text The name of the member's employer
End Date Employer field_emp_end_date date The member's end date of employment
Job Title Employer field_emp_job_title text The member's job title
Salary Employer field_emp_salary number The member's salary
Start Date Employer field_emp_start_date date The member's start date of employment
Created Timestamp Energy Consumption created_timestamp int Timestamp of when record was created in PDS 1641909333
Home ID Energy Consumption field_energy_homeid int The HomeID where the device is located 1
Reading timestamp Energy Consumption field_energy_reading_timestamp int The data and time for a specific reading 1648633780
Reading Value Energy Consumption field_energy_reading_value int The data for a specific reading 1123.25
Source ID Energy Consumption field_energy_source_index_id text unique identifier for the source device 1
Source Name Energy Consumption field_energy_source_name text A human meaning ful label for the source device Kettle
Source Type Energy Consumption field_energy_source_type text Source Device CAD
Updated Timestamp Energy Consumption updated_timestamp int Timestamp of when record was last updated in PDS 1641909333
Created Timestamp Energy Consumption Aggregated created_timestamp int Timestamp of when record was created in PDS 1641909333
Energy Account Energy Consumption Aggregated energy_account_instance int The energy account this data is linked to 8
Home ID Energy Consumption Aggregated field_energy_homeid int The HomeID where the device is located 1
Reading timestamp Energy Consumption Aggregated field_energy_reading_timestamp int The data and time for a specific reading 1648633780
Reading Value Energy Consumption Aggregated field_energy_reading_value int The data for a specific reading 1123.25
Source ID Energy Consumption Aggregated field_energy_source_index_id text unique identifier for the source device 1
Source Name Energy Consumption Aggregated field_energy_source_name text A human meaning ful label for the source device Kettle
Source Type Energy Consumption Aggregated field_energy_source_type text Source Device CAD
Updated Timestamp Energy Consumption Aggregated updated_timestamp int Timestamp of when record was last updated in PDS 1641909333
Action Events action text The action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered. Reminder
Attendee Events attendee text The event attendee. Mary
Created Timestamp Events created_timestamp int Created Timestamp. 1638375529
Description Events description text The description of the event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
End Timestamp Events end_timestamp int Unix Timestamp of when the event will stop. 1639153129
External Uid Events external_uid text An external unique ID for an event. 540
Events ID Events id serial The primary identifier for this record. 5
Events Instance Events instance int The instance this item relates to. 2
Location Events location text The location of the event. Edinburgh
Organiser Events organiser text The event organiser. Art Museum
Reminder Description Events reminder_description text Description of the reminder event. In nulla urna, ullamcorper et ipsum id, bibendum iaculis nisi.
Events Source Events source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Start Timestamp Events start_timestamp int Unix Timestamp of when the event will start. 1638375529
Status Events status varchar The status of the event attendee. Either TENTATIVE, CONFIRMED or CANCELLED. TENTATIVE
Tags Events tags text The tags associated with the event (comma separated list). creative, culture, art, music, design
Title Events title text The title of the event. Lorem Ipsum Event
Trigger Events trigger text This property defines when an alarm will trigger. 2 weeks
Type Events type text The type of the event (comma separated list). community, art, environmental
Updated Timestamp Events updated_timestamp int Updated Timestamp. 1861227082
Member's CHI number Health field_health_chi_number varchar The member's CHI number
GP Details Country Health field_health_gp_country text The country of the member's GP
GP Details County Health field_health_gp_county text The county of the member's GP
GP Details Email Health field_health_gp_email text The email address of the member's GP
GP Details Fax Health field_health_gp_fax text The fax address of the member's GP
GP Details GP Name Health field_health_gp_name text The name of the member's GP
GP Details Postcode Health field_health_gp_postcode text The postcode of the member's GP
GP Practice Name Health field_health_gp_practice_name varchar The name of the members GP practice Terrace Medical Practice
GP Practice Website Health field_health_gp_practice_website varchar The website for the members GP practice
GP Details Street Health field_health_gp_street text The street address of the member's GP
GP Details Telephone Health field_health_gp_telephone text The telephone number of the member's GP
GP Details Town Health field_health_gp_town text The town of the member's GP
NHS Number Health field_health_nhs_number text The member's NHS number
Social Care ID Health field_health_social_care_id text The member's social care ID
Created Timestamp Health and Social Care Records created_timestamp int Created Timestamp. 1638375529
Delivery Timestamp Health and Social Care Records delivery_timestamp int Timestamp of when the data payload was delivered to the PDS. 1639153129
HSCR Data Health and Social Care Records hscr_data blob The full data from the originating source in whatever format it was delivered.
HSCR Data Format Health and Social Care Records hscr_data_format varchar This tells us what data structure standard we are receiving e.g OpenEHR, HL7,FHIR. FHIR
HSCR Data Source Health and Social Care Records hscr_data_source varchar The data source that this HSCR originated from. Social Care Professional
HSCR Delivery route Health and Social Care Records hscr_delivery_route varchar The name of the delivery route e.g. Health Data Exchange, Lenus Platform. Lenus Platform
HSCR Title Health and Social Care Records hscr_title varchar Extracted from the payload a human readable name for the data payload.
HSCR ID Health and Social Care Records id serial The primary identifier for this record. 1
HSCR Instance Health and Social Care Records instance int The instance this item relates to. 1
HSCR Source Health and Social Care Records source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
HSCR Source ID Health and Social Care Records source_id varchar This will be meta data about the record from the source.
HSCR Source Version Health and Social Care Records source_version varchar If we can extract from the meta data about the payload a version number we should do so. 123456789
Updated By Health and Social Care Records updated_by varchar The human readable name of the connection who updated an existing record provided by either themselves Juliet Alexander
Updated Timestamp Health and Social Care Records updated_timestamp int Updated Timestamp. 1639153129
Bedrooms Home field_home_bedrooms number The number of bedrooms in the member's home 3
Country Home field_home_country text The member's home country England
County Home field_home_county text The member's home county Essex
Date From Home field_home_date_from date The date the member moved in 29222
Date To Home field_home_date_to date The date the member moved out 29222
Floor number Home field_home_floor int The floor number of the home. 1
Habitable Rooms Home field_home_habitable_rooms number The number of habitable rooms in the member's home 5
National Property Gazetteer Reference Home field_home_nlpg text The National Property Gazetteer reference number
Number of Residents Home field_home_num_residents number The number of residents in the member's home 4
Landlord Address Country Home field_home_owner_country text The owner / landlord's country United Kingdom
Landlord Address County Home field_home_owner_county text The owner / landlord's county Anycounty
Email Address Home field_home_owner_email_address text email address for the owner / landlord landlord@ .....
Name Home field_home_owner_name text Name of the property owner / landlord I. M. Landlord
Landlord Address Post Code Home field_home_owner_postcode text The owner / landlord's post code AB12 3CD
Landlord Address Street Home field_home_owner_street text The owner / landlord's house number and street name 100 High Street
Telephone Number Home field_home_owner_telephone_no text Contact telephone number for the owner / landlord 07890 123456
Landlord Address Town Home field_home_owner_town text The owner / landlord's town Anytown
Post Code Home field_home_postcode text The member's home postcode NB1 1AZ
Property Type Home field_home_property_type text The type of property the member lives in Flat
Room number Home field_home_room varchar The room name or number of the home. 1
Street Home field_home_street text The member home house number and street name 1 High Street
Tenancy Home field_home_tenancy text The type of tenancy Lodger
Town Home field_home_town text The member's home town Watford
Identity Protocol Settings ID Identity Protocol Settings id serial The primary identifier for Identity Service protocol. 4
Name Identity Protocol Settings identity_protocol varchar The name of the Identity protocol. Profile
Email Setting Identity Protocol Settings identity_protocol_email_setting int The email preference for this protocol.
Email Setting Text Identity Protocol Settings identity_protocol_email_setting_text varchar This will either be an email address or message text.
ID Identity Protocol Settings identity_protocol_id varchar The ID used with this protocol. 2
Status Identity Protocol Settings identity_protocol_status int Whether Identity protocol is enabled. 1
Identity Protocol Settings Instance Identity Protocol Settings instance int The instance this transaction relates to. 3
Identity Protocol Settings Source Identity Protocol Settings source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
ID Identity Services id numeric The primary identifier for Identity Service record. 1
Annotation Identity Services identity_services_annotation Any additional note the member has made Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Created Identity Services identity_services_created When the identity was created 1638375529
Tags Identity Services identity_services_tags Planning, Council, Project Management
Type Identity Services identity_services_type Which identity the member was using Admin
URL Identity Services identity_services_url The URL the member was at when they used this credential
Status Identity Services identity_service_status int Boolean indicating whether the Identity was successfully used. 1
Title Identity Services identity_service_title varchar The Identity Service Title. Project A
Instance Identity Services instance The instance this transaction relates to. 2
Source Identity Services source text The source of the data - user or connection.
When is my car insurance due? Intentions field_int_car_insurance_due date Date when the user's car insurance is due
When is my contents insurance due? Intentions field_int_contents_insurance_due date Date when the user's contents insurance is due
When do I intend to get a different car? Intentions field_int_different_car date Date when the user intends to move house
When is my health insurance due? Intentions field_int_health_insurance_due date Date when the user's health insurance is due
When is my home insurance due? Intentions field_int_home_insurance_due date Date when the user's home insurance is due
When is my home services insurance due? Intentions field_int_home_services_due date Date when the user's home service insurance is due
When is my life insurance due? Intentions field_int_life_insurance_due date Date when the user's life insurance is due
When do I intend to move? Intentions field_int_moving_house date Date when the user intends to move house
When is my travel insurance due? Intentions field_int_travel_insurance_due date Date when the user's travel insurance is due
Created Timestamp Invites created_timestamp int Created Timestamp. 1638375529
Expire Timestamp Invites expire_timestamp int Unix Timestamp of when the invite expires. 1641991375
Invites ID Invites id serial The primary identifier for this record. 2
Identifier Invites identifier varchar Unique Identifier of what the invite is inviting the member to. 1
Invites Instance Invites instance int The instance this item relates to. 3
Known As Invites known_as varchar A label for the invite so that we know who we are inviting before we have a mydexid, and for good UX. Julie
Name Invites name varchar Name of invited member. Julie Dom
One Time Code Invites one_time_code varchar One time code that is generated with the invite. 1861227082
Recipient Invites recipient varchar Either phone number or email address.
Route Invites route varchar The route the invite used, either email, SMS or mydexId. email
Invites Source Invites source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Status Invites status varchar The status of the invite. received
Type Invites type varchar The type of the invite. Invite
Updated Timestamp Invites updated_timestamp int Updated Timestamp. 1639153129
Conversation ID Journal conversation_id int The ID that groups messages together in a conversation 12348
Created Timestamp Journal created_timestamp int Created Timestamp. 1638375529
Device Id Journal device_id varchar The device did the message originate from. 543
External ID Journal external_id int External ID. 1
Journal ID Journal id serial The primary identifier for this record. 10
Journal Instance Journal instance int The instance this item relates to. 2
Journal By Journal journal_by text The individual member or organisation member that created the journal. Clive Lewis
Journal Content Journal journal_content blob The content of the journal entry "New Entry"
Journal Time Received Journal journal_time_received int The Unix timestamp that the journal was received. 1639153129
Journal Time Sent Journal journal_time_sent int The Unix timestamp that the journal was sent. 1638375529
Journal To Journal journal_to text The person/organisation they are replying to if this is a reply. Glasgow Council
Service Id Journal service_id text Which account or service did the message come from. Volunteer Service
Service Name Journal service_name text The unique name of the member on the service e.g Twitter handle. Antonio Morales
Service Order ID Journal service_order_id int Service Order ID 1
Journal Source Journal source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Tags Journal tags text The tags associated with the journal (comma separated list). volunteer, community
Title Journal title varchar The title of the journal. Volunteering
Type Journal type varchar The type of journal. Volunteer record
Updated Timestamp Journal updated_timestamp int Updated Timestamp. 1861227082
User ID Journal user_id int User ID 1
Version Content Journal version_content blob The content of previous versions.
Version Id Journal version_id int The id of the journal. 5
Version Information Journal version_information text Meta data about the Revision, Version Number, Version Content, Version Change Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nulla urna, ullamcorper et ipsum id, bibendum iaculis nisi.
Journey ID Journeys id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Journey Instance Journeys instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Transactions Date Journeys journey_date date Date of the journey 1638375529
Transactions Destination Journeys journey_destination text Journey destination Belfast
Transactions End Time Journeys journey_end_time time Journey end time 1638375529
Transactions Origin Journeys journey_origin text Origin of journey Edinburgh
Transactions Start Time Journeys journey_start_time time Journey start time 1641989731
Transactions Transaction Value Journeys journey_transaction_value number Journey transaction value 145.0
Journey Source Journeys source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Authority Name Local Authority field_la_authority_name text The name of the member's local authority East Herts Council
Council Tax Band Local Authority field_la_council_tax_band text The Council Tax band D
Council Address Country Local Authority field_la_country text The council country England
Council Address County Local Authority field_la_county text The council county Essex
Date From Local Authority field_la_date_from date The date the member moved into the area 29222
Date To Local Authority field_la_date_to date The date the member left the area 29222
Council Address eMail Local Authority field_la_email text The council email address
Council Address Fax Local Authority field_la_fax text The council fax number (44) 01234 123456
Council Address PostCode Local Authority field_la_postcode text The council postcode NB1 1AZ
Council Address Street Local Authority field_la_street text The council street name and building name/ number 1 High Street
Council Address Telephone Local Authority field_la_telephone text The council telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Council Address Town Local Authority field_la_town text The council town Watford
My Contact Details eMail Local Authority field_la_user_email text The members email address registered with the council
My Contact Details Mobile Local Authority field_la_user_mobile text The members telephone number (44) 01234 123456
My Contact Details Telephone Local Authority field_la_user_telephone text The members telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Location Data ID Location Data id serial The primary identifier for a location data record. 1
Location Data Instance Location Data instance int The instance this location data record relates to. 3
Address Line 1 Location Data location_data_address1 varchar The address line 1. 1 Example st
Address Line 2 Location Data location_data_address2 varchar The address line 2. 18
App Name Location Data location_data_app_name varchar The app name creating the location data record. Google Maps
Country Location Data location_data_country varchar The address country. United Kingdom
County Location Data location_data_county varchar The address county. Lanarkshire
Device Name Location Data location_data_device_name varchar The device name creating the location data record. Tablet
Latitude Location Data location_data_latitude numeric The latitude of the location. 55.8642
Longitude Location Data location_data_longitude numeric The longitude of the location. 4.2518
Postcode Location Data location_data_postcode varchar The address postcode. AB1 2CD
Timestamp Location Data location_data_timestamp int The timestamp the location data was created. 1638375529
Timezone Location Data location_data_timezone varchar The timezone the location data was created. Greenwich Mean Time
Town/City Location Data location_data_towncity varchar The address town/city. Glasgow
Location Data Source Location Data source varchar The source of the data - user or connection (uid or con_id).
Loyalty Scheme ID Loyalty Scheme id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Loyalty Scheme Instance Loyalty Scheme instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Transactions Date Loyalty Scheme ls_date date Date of the transaction
Transactions Description Loyalty Scheme ls_description text Description of the transaction Sainsbury's - Horsham
Transactions Monetary Value Loyalty Scheme ls_monetary_value currency Monetary velaue of the transaction
Transactions Currency Code Loyalty Scheme ls_monetary_value_currency_code text Currency code for the transaction GBP
Transactions Points Value Loyalty Scheme ls_points_value number Points value for the transaction
Loyalty Scheme Source Loyalty Scheme source text The source of the data - user or connection.
ID Measurements Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement field type Measurements Log measurement_field_type varchar How to treat the value stored in measurement value Integer
Measurement Group Measurements Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement timestamp Stop Measurements Log measurement_timestamp_end int The end time of the measurement 1648633780
Measurement timestamp Start Measurements Log measurement_timestamp_start int The start time of the measurement 1648633780
Measurement Type Measurements Log measurement_type varchar Specific name given to the measurement being recorded Calories Burned
Unit Measure Measurements Log measurement_unit varchar The unit of value that the measure is made in kcal
Measure Value Measurements Log measurement_value floating point 1648633780
Created Timestamp Measurements Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Measurements Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Measurements Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Measurements Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Measurements Log source_instance int The instance of the source type
Source Name Measurements Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
ATC Code Medications atc_code varchar ATC code: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System code J05AE30
BNF Code Medications bnf_code varchar The British National Formulary Code for the drug 0503060B0
Created Timestamp Medications created_timestamp int Unix timestamp of data record created 1648633780
Dispensing Pharmacy Medications dispensing_pharmacy varchar Pharmacy name Parade Pharmacy
Medications ID Medications id serial The primary identifier for this record 1
Instance Medications instance int The primary identifier for this record 1
Last Issued Date Medications last_issued_date int The last time prescription issued Unix timestamp 1648633780
Medication Dosage Medications medication_dosage blob JSON BLOB with the dosage taken and the frequency. 3 x a day / Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner or every eight hours take with food, avoid alcohol Dosage is per time it is taken 5mg 3 x a day
Medication Name Medications medication_name varchar Name of the medication Paxlovid
Medication Notes Medications medication_notes varchar Notes: Any additional notes or comments related to the medication or prescription. Controlled drug
Medication Status Medications medication_status varchar Whether or not the medication is currently being taken Active
Medication URL Medications medication_url varchar URL / weblink to relevant MRD Medicines endpoint
Prescriber Name Medications prescriber_name varchar The GP or Individual / healthcare provider who prescribed the medication. Dr. Godley
Prescription End Date Medications prescription_end_date int End Date of prescription Unix timestamp 1648633780
Prescription Start Date Medications prescription_start_date int Start Date of prescription Unix timestamp 1648633780
Repeat Prescription Medications repeat_perscription varchar Is this a repeat prescription Y/N
Repeat Prescription Days Medications repeat_perscription_days varchar Number of days supply of medication 28
Repeat Prescription Quantity Medications repeat_perscription_quantity varchar Total amount of medication per repeat prescription 112
SNOMED CT Code Medications snomedct_code varchar The SNOMED CT Code for the medication 1240581000000104
Source Medications source varchar The source of the record con_id e.g. 40213 or mydexid
Updated Timestamp Medications updated_timestamp int Unix timestamp of when record was last updated 1648633780
Name National Insurance field_ni_name text The member's surname Jones
Number National Insurance field_ni_number text A member's NI Number XX XXXXX X
Notepad Content Notepad field_notepad_content text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nulla urna, ullamcorper et ipsum id, bibendum iaculis nisi.
Notepad Last Updated Notepad field_notepad_last_updated date 1638375529
Calories Nutrition Consumption Log calories floating point Calories 400
Cholesterol Nutrition Consumption Log cholesterol floating point Cholesterol 2
Dietary Fibre Nutrition Consumption Log dietary_fibre floating point Dietary Fibre 1.5
Saturated Fat Nutrition Consumption Log fat_saturated floating point Saturated Fat 9.8
Total Fat Nutrition Consumption Log fat_total floating point Total Fat 33.1
Unsaturated Fat Nutrition Consumption Log fat_unsaturated floating point Unsaturated Fat 11.1
Food Item Nutrition Consumption Log food_item varchar Food item Banana
ID Nutrition Consumption Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Meal End timestamp Nutrition Consumption Log meal_timestamp_end int End date and time of meal 1648633780
Meal Start Timestamp Nutrition Consumption Log meal_timestamp_start int Start date and time of meal 1648633780
Meal Type Nutrition Consumption Log meal_type int The type of meal 2
Measurement Group Nutrition Consumption Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Monounsaturated fat Nutrition Consumption Log monounsaturated_fat floating point Monounsaturated fat 2
Nutrition Log ID Nutrition Consumption Log nutrition_log_id int The link to the nutrition log record 1
Polyunsaturated fat Nutrition Consumption Log polyunsaturated_fat floating point Polyunsaturated fat 1.5
Potassium Nutrition Consumption Log potassium floating point Potassium 1.8
Protein Nutrition Consumption Log protein floating point Protein 10
Created Timestamp Nutrition Consumption Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Nutrition Consumption Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Sodium Nutrition Consumption Log sodium floating point Sodium 1.1
Source Device Type Nutrition Consumption Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Nutrition Consumption Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Nutrition Consumption Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Nutrition Consumption Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
Sugar Nutrition Consumption Log sugar floating point Sugar 5
Total carbohydrates Nutrition Consumption Log total_carbohydrates floating point Total carbohydrates 34.7
Trans fat Nutrition Consumption Log trans_fat floating point Trans fat 8.7
ID Nutrition Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Meal End timestamp Nutrition Log meal_timestamp_end int End date and time of meal 1648633780
Meal Start Timestamp Nutrition Log meal_timestamp_start int Start date and time of meal 1648633780
Meal Type Nutrition Log meal_type int The type of meal 2
Meal Type Description Nutrition Log meal_type_description varchar Description of Meal type Breakfast
Measurement Group Nutrition Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Nutrition Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Created Timestamp Nutrition Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Nutrition Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Nutrition Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Nutrition Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Nutrition Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Nutrition Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
ID Oxygen Saturation Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement Group Oxygen Saturation Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Oxygen Saturation Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Oxygen saturation Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation floating point The blood oxygen saturation reading as a percentage 95%
Oxygen saturation measurement method Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation_measurement_method int How oxygen saturation is measured. 1
Oxygen saturation measurement method Description Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation_measurement_method_description varchar Description of how oxygen saturation is measured. Pulse oximetry
Measurement End timestamp Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation_measurement_timestamp_end int Oxygen Saturation measurement date and time 1648633780
Measurement Start timestamp Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation_measurement_timestamp_start int Oxygen Saturation measurement date and time 1648633780
Oxygen saturation system Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation_system int Where oxygen saturation is measured 1
Oxygen saturation system description Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_saturation_system_description varchar Description of where oxygen saturation is measured Peripheral capillaries
Oxygen therapy administration mode Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_therapy_administration_mode int How oxygen therapy is administered 1
Oxygen therapy administration mode description Oxygen Saturation Log oxygen_therapy_administration_mode_description varchar Description of How oxygen therapy is administered Nasal Canula
Created Timestamp Oxygen Saturation Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Oxygen Saturation Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Source Device Type Oxygen Saturation Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Oxygen Saturation Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Oxygen Saturation Log source_instance int The instance of the source type Google Account 1
Source Name Oxygen Saturation Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit
Supplemental oxygen flow rate Oxygen Saturation Log supplemental_oxygen_flow_rate floating point The rate additional oxygen is supplied to a user in liters per minute. Set to zero if no supplemental 0
Code Passport field_pp_code text
Date Of Expiry Passport field_pp_date_expiry date The expiry date of the members passport 29222
Date Of Issue Passport field_pp_date_issue date The date from which the members passport is Valid 29222
Date Of Birth Passport field_pp_dob date The members date of birth 29222
Expiry Alert Passport field_pp_expiry_alert date
Given Names Passport field_pp_given_names text The member's first name Catherine
Issuing Authority Passport field_pp_issuing_authority text The authority that issued the members passport UKBA
Nationality Passport field_pp_nationality text The members nationality British
Number Passport field_pp_number text The members passport number 123456789
Place Of Birth Passport field_pp_place_of_birth text The city in which the member was born Manchester
Sex Passport field_pp_sex text The gender of the member Female
Surname Passport field_pp_surname text The members surname Jones
Type Passport field_pp_type text
Gender at Birth Personal Details field_gender_birth text The members gender at birth Female
Email Address Personal details field_personal_email_address text The member's primary email address
Race Ethnicity Personal Details field_personal_ethnicity text The members ethnicity White-Scottish
Family Name Personal details field_personal_faname text The member's surname Jones
First Name Personal details field_personal_fname text The member's first name Catherine
Gender Personal details field_personal_gender text The member's gender Female
Home Phone Personal details field_personal_home_phone text The member's home telephone number 01234 123456
Maiden Name Personal details field_personal_maname text The member's surname Jones
Marital Status Personal details field_personal_marital_status text The member's marital status Married
Middle Name Personal details field_personal_mname text The middle name of the member Anne
Mobile Phone Personal details field_personal_mobile_phone text The member's mobile telephone number 07654 321098
Nickname Personal details field_personal_nickname text The member's first name Catherine
No of Children Personal details field_personal_number_children number The number of children the member has 2
Pronouns Personal Details field_personal_pronouns text The members pronouns She/Her
Suffix Personal details field_personal_suffix text The member's surname Jones
Title Personal details field_personal_title text The member's preferred prefix title Mr
Work Phone Personal details field_personal_work_phone text The member's work telephone number (44) 1357 246802
Created Timestamp Profiles created_timestamp int Time of created profile 1641909333
Profile Content Profiles profile_content BLOB The content of the profile including the description and tags {"description":"This profile is for showing interest in Community Services and engagement","tags":["G41","Museums","Theatre","Music","Pop Culture"]}
Profile ID Profiles profile_id int The unique id of a profile 34
Profile Name Profiles profile_name text The name of the profile created by the user Community Services
Profile Shared With Profiles profile_shared_with BLOB Where the profile has been shared to Inclued Citizen
Profile Source Profiles profile_source text From where the profile was created inclued-citizen
Updated Timestamp Profiles updated_timestamp int Time of last edit to profile 1641909333
Profiles Preferences ID Profiles Preferences id serial The primary identifier for this record. 1
Profiles Preferences Instance Profiles Preferences instance int The instance this item relates to. 1
Persona Name Profiles Preferences persona_name varchar Name of Persona this preference is associated with. Mary Led
Preference Content Profiles Preferences preference_content blob Preference Content. culture, sports, art
Preference Created Timestamp Profiles Preferences preference_created_timestamp int Preference Created Timestamp. 1638375529
Preference Name Profiles Preferences preference_name varchar Name for this preference. Interests
Preference Updated Timestamp Profiles Preferences preference_updated_timestamp int Preference Updated Timestamp. 1639153129
Profiles Preferences Source Profiles Preferences source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Answer Question Version Questions and Answers answer_question_version int The version of the question this answer was made against. What is your favourite colour?
Answer Result Questions and Answers answer_result blob JSON obejct of the structured answer result. {colour: blue}
Answer Timestamp Questions and Answers answer_timestamp varchar Timestamp of when answer was made. 1638375529
Answer Version History Questions and Answers answer_version_history blob JSON BLOB, contains the question version, content, change description. "{"question_version" : "What is your favourite colour?", "content" : "blue, red, pink, yellow", "description" : "Blue."}"
Answer Version Id Questions and Answers answer_version_id varchar The Version ID of this question. Not Null. 12
Connection ID Questions and Answers con_id varchar The organisation that asked this question. Glasgow Phones
Group ID Questions and Answers group_id blob The group ID that this question belongs to. "{"group_id" : "1"}"
Questions and Answers ID Questions and Answers id serial The primary identifier for this record. 6
Questions and Answers Instance Questions and Answers instance int The instance this item relates to. 2
Question ID Questions and Answers question_id varchar The identifier for a question-answer. 5
Question Label Questions and Answers question_label varchar The main question label text of the queston. Favourite Colour
Question Set Format Questions and Answers question_set_format blob JSON BLOB, contains the format of the question set. "{"questions format" : "questions"}"
Question Tags Questions and Answers question_tags varchar Tags of associated with this question, comma seperated. Preferences, Interests, Likes
Question Timestamp Questions and Answers question_timestamp varchar The timestamp of when this question was created. 1638375529
Question Version History Questions and Answers question_version_history blob JSON BLOB, contains the question version, content, change description. "{"question_version" : "What is your favourite colour?", "content" : "blue, red, pink, yellow", , "descriptio\" : "The preferred colour of the user."}"
Question Version Id Questions and Answers question_version_id varchar The Version ID of this question. Not Null. 7
Question Modified Timestamp Questions and Answers queston_modified_timestamp varchar The timestamp of when this question was last modified. 1639153129
Questions and Answers Source Questions and Answers source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Complete Time Referrals complete_time int Complete Time as UNIX timestamp 1642137822
Contact Name Referrals contact_name text Juliet Alexander
Contact Number Referrals contact_number text 07123456789
Contact Title Referrals contact_title text Mrs
Created Timestamp Referrals created_timestamp int Created Timestamp. 1638375529
Duration Referrals duration int Duration of the referral as a UNIX timestamp 1642137822
End Time Referrals end_time int End Time of the referral as a UNIX timestamp 1642137822
External ID Referrals external_id int External ID. 1
Referrals ID Referrals id serial The primary identifier for this record. 3
Referrals Instance Referrals instance int The instance this item relates to.
Is processed Referrals is_processed int Is processed 1
Memo Referrals memo int Memo Text note here
Referree Availability Referrals referree_availability blob The referree availability. "{ "AM": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Friday" ], "PM": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday" ] }"
Referree Background Referrals referree_background text The referree background. The first day that we attended is the first day that we have started to introduce ourselves to friends and families. We wanted those who already know me
Referree Requirements Referrals referree_requirements text The referree requirements. Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice).
Referrer Name Referrals referrer_name text Romeo Santos
Service Description Referrals service_description text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Service Email Referrals service_email text
Service ID Referrals service_id int Service ID 56
Service Name Referrals service_name text Service
Service Url Referrals service_url text
Referrals Source Referrals source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Start Time Referrals start_time int Start Time of the referral as a UNIX timestamp 1642137111
Status Referrals status text The status of the referral. waiting
Type Referrals type text The type of the referral. self referral
Updated Timestamp Referrals updated_timestamp int Updated Timestamp. 1639153129
Action Referrals Log action varchar Referring
End Time Referrals Log end_time int 1639153129
Referrals Log ID Referrals Log id serial The primary identifier for this record. 2
Referrals Log Instance Referrals Log instance int The instance this item relates to. 1
Responsible User ID Referrals Log responsible_user_id int 321
Service Order ID Referrals Log service_order_id int Link to the service order 5046
Referrals Log Source Referrals Log source varchar The source of the data - user or connection.
Start Time Referrals Log start_time int 1638375529
Referral Status Referrals Log status int The status of the service order. Status
User ID Referrals Log user_id int Link to the user who changed the order status. 87
Telephone Calls ID Telephone Calls and SMS id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Telephone Calls Instance Telephone Calls and SMS instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Telephone Calls Source Telephone Calls and SMS source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Telecoms Transactions Charge Type Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_charge_type text The charge type Included
Telecoms Transactions Cost Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_cost currency The cost of the transaction/ call 122.22
Currency Code Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_currency_code text Currency code for the transaction GBP
Telecoms Transactions Date Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_date date The date of the transaction 29222
Telecoms Transactions Duration Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_duration time The duration of the call 0.050138888888889
Incoming/Outgoing Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_incoming_outgoing varchar Is this record an incoming or outgoing call/sms.
Telecoms Transactions Number Called Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_number_called text The telephone number called in the transaction (44) 01234 123456
Telecoms Transactions Transaction Type Telephone Calls and SMS utility_tel_call_type text The type of transaction Call or SMS
Card Number Travel Card field_tr_card_number text The member's travel card number 12345678
Card Type Travel Card field_tr_card_type text The member's travel card type Savings
Current Balance Travel Card field_tr_current_balance number Current balance of the member's travel card 23.45
County TV Licence field_tv_licence_county text The members home county Essex
TV Licence Fee TV Licence field_tv_licence_fee number The TV licence fee
Licence Holder's Name TV Licence field_tv_licence_holders_name text The name of licence holder Catherine Jones
TV Licence Number TV Licence field_tv_licence_number text The TV licence number
Payment Frequency TV Licence field_tv_licence_payment_freq text The TV licence payment frequency
Payment Method TV Licence field_tv_licence_payment_method text The TV licence payment method
Post Code TV Licence field_tv_licence_post_code text The members home postcode NB1 1AZ
Street TV Licence field_tv_licence_street text The member home house number and street name 1 High Street
Town TV Licence field_tv_licence_town text The members home town Watford
TV Licence Type TV Licence field_tv_licence_type text The TV licence type
Valid Until TV Licence field_tv_licence_valid_until date The expiration date of the TV licence
Tariff Utility field_utility_tariff text Tariff or plan basis for consumption
Tel Number Utility field_utility_tel_number text The members telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Account Name Utility Account Details field_utility_account_name text The members surname Jones
Account Type Utility Account Details field_utility_account_type text The type of utility account held by the member Pay as you go
Billing Address Country Utility Account Details field_utility_billing_country text The members home country England
Billing Address County Utility Account Details field_utility_billing_county text The members home county Essex
Billing Address PostCode Utility Account Details field_utility_billing_postcode text The members home postcode NB1 1AZ
Billing Address Street Utility Account Details field_utility_billing_street text The member home house number and street name 1 High Street
Billing Address Town Utility Account Details field_utility_billing_town text The members home town Watford
Contact Address Country Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_country text The utility company country England
Contact Address County Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_county text The utility company county Essex
Contact Address eMail Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_email text The utility company email address
Contact Address Fax Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_fax text The utility company fax number (44) 01234 123456
Contact Address Contact Name Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_name text The name of the contact at the utility company Fred Bloggs
Contact Address PostCode Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_postcode text The utility company postcode NB1 1AZ
Contact Address Street Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_street text The utility company street name and building name/ number 1 High Street
Contact Address Telephone Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_telephone text The utility company telephone number (44) 01234 123456
Contact Address Town Utility Account Details field_utility_contact_town text The utility company town Watford
Customer No Utility Account Details field_utility_customer_num text The members customer account number for the utility supply 12345678
Date From Utility Account Details field_utility_date_from date The date supply commenced 29222
Date To Utility Account Details field_utility_date_to date The date supply ceased 29222
Payment Method Utility Account Details field_utility_payment_method text The payment method used by the member Direct Debit
Service Utility Account Details field_utility_service text The utility service supplied to the member Gas
Supplied Address Country Utility Account Details field_utility_supplied_country text The members home country England
Supplied Address County Utility Account Details field_utility_supplied_county text The members home county Essex
Supplied Address PostCode Utility Account Details field_utility_supplied_postcode text The members home postcode NB1 1AZ
Supplied Address Street Utility Account Details field_utility_supplied_street text The member supplied house number and street name 1 High Street
Supplied Address Town Utility Account Details field_utility_supplied_town text The members home town Watford
Supplier Name Utility Account Details field_utility_supplier_name text The utility service supplier British Gas
Utility Billing ID Utility Billing Records id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Utility Billing Instance Utility Billing Records instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Utility Billing Source Utility Billing Records source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Utility Transactions Billing Period End Utility Billing Records utility_billing_end date The end of the billing period
Utility Transactions Billing Period Start Utility Billing Records utility_billing_start date The start of the billing period
Utility Transactions Cost Utility Billing Records utility_billing_total currency The cost of the transaction/ call 122.22
Currency Code Utility Billing Records utility_billing_total_currency_code text Currency code for the transaction GBP
Data Usage ID Utility Data Usage id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Data Usage Instance Utility Data Usage instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Data Usage Source Utility Data Usage source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Data Transactions Charge Type Utility Data Usage utility_data_usage_charge_type text The charge type Included
Data Transactions Cost Utility Data Usage utility_data_usage_cost currency The cost 12.45
Currency Code Utility Data Usage utility_data_usage_currency_code text Currency code for the transaction GBP
Data Transactions Data Used Utility Data Usage utility_data_usage_data_used number Amonut of data used 2MB
Data Transactions Date Utility Data Usage utility_data_usage_date date The date of the transaction 41254
Meter Reading ID Utility Meter Reading id number The primary identifier for this record. 5
Utility Meter Reading Instance Utility Meter Reading instance number The instance this transaction relates to. 8
Utility Meter Reading Source Utility Meter Reading source text The source of the data - user or connection.
Utility Transactions Meter Reading Utility Meter Reading utility_reading number The value of the meter reading
Utility Transactions Meter Read Date Utility Meter Reading utility_reading_date date The date on which the meter was read
Utility Transactions Estimated Utility Meter Reading utility_reading_estimated varchar Boolean indicating whether the meter reading is estimated. Y/N
Utility Transactions Read By Utility Meter Reading utility_reading_read_by varchar How the meter was read Auto
Meter Reading Type Utility Meter Reading utility_reading_type varchar The type of meter reading (helps to distinguish on mixed bills).
Utility Transactions Metering Unit Utility Meter Reading utility_reading_unit text The units read by the meter kWh
Variables ID Variables id serial ID - So the API can return multiple variables at once. 1
Variables Instance Variables instance int Instance - only because the API expects an instance. 2
Name Variables var_name varchar The name of the variable. Name
Value Variables var_value blob The value of the variable stored serialized in a blob. John Doe
CRB CRB Number Voluntary field_vol_crb_number text The member's CRB number 123456789
CRB Date of Expiry Voluntary field_vol_date_of_expiry date The expiration date of the CRB 1638375529
CRB Expiry Alert Voluntary field_vol_expiry_alert date The expiration alert date of the CRB
Host Organisation Voluntary field_vol_host_organisation text The host organisation name Organisation
ID Number Voluntary field_vol_id_number text The member's ID number 23
Notes Voluntary field_vol_notes text Additional notes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Contact Address Country Voluntary field_vol_organisation_country text The contact address country United Kingdom
Contact Address County Voluntary field_vol_organisation_county text The contact address county Lanarkshire
Organisation Name Voluntary field_vol_organisation_name text The name of the organisation Council
Contact Address Postcode Voluntary field_vol_organisation_postcode text The contact address postcode AB1 1CD
Contact Address Street Voluntary field_vol_organisation_street text The contact address street Main St
Contact Address Town Voluntary field_vol_organisation_town text The contact address town Glasgow
Place of Activity Voluntary field_vol_place_of_activity text The volunteering place of activity Office
Volunteering Pathway Voluntary field_vol_volunteering_pathway text Volunteering pathway Beginner
Volunteer Hours Voluntary field_vol_volunteer_hours text The member's volunteering hours 12
Volunteer Role Voluntary field_vol_volunteer_role text The member's volunteer role Administrative Assistant
Exercise Description Workout Log exercise_description varchar The description of the exercise type Back Extension
Duration Workout Log exercise_duration int The amount of time exercise performed 60
Repetitions Workout Log exercise_repetitions int Number of repetitions of an exercise 10
Exercise end timestamp Workout Log exercise_timestamp_end int End time and date Exercise recorded 1648633780
Exercise start timestamp Workout Log exercise_timestamp_start int Start time and date Exercise recorded 1648633780
Exercise Type Workout Log exercise_type varchar Values representing different exercises back_extension
ID Workout Log id int The machine name for a record. Internal to PDS and Mydex 1
Measurement Group Workout Log measurement_group varchar The top level group activity belongs to Activity
Measurement Log ID Workout Log measurement_id int The key that links to Measurement Log 1
Created Timestamp Workout Log record_created_timestamp int Date record added to PDS 1648633780
Updated Timestamp Workout Log record_updated_timestamp int Date record updated in the PDS 1648633780
Resistance Workout Log resistance_level floating point The resistance of the exercise (or weight), in kilograms 20kg
Resistance Type Workout Log resistance_type int The type of resistance used during the exercise
Source Device Type Workout Log source_device_type varchar States the type of source device PDA
Source ID Workout Log source_id varchar The unique ID of source of the data 3621-29756
Source Instance Workout Log source_instance int The instance of the source type
Source Name Workout Log source_name varchar The Name given to source Google Fit