Dataset: Events

Dataset name: ds_events



Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
Action action The action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered. text Reminder
Attendee attendee The event attendee. text Mary
Created Timestamp created_timestamp Created Timestamp. int 1638375529
End Timestamp end_timestamp Unix Timestamp of when the event will stop. int 1639153129
External Uid external_uid An external unique ID for an event. text 540
Events ID id The primary identifier for this record. serial 5
Events Instance instance The instance this item relates to. int 2
Location location The location of the event. text Edinburgh
Organiser organiser The event organiser. text Art Museum
Reminder Description reminder_description Description of the reminder event. text In nulla urna, ullamcorper et ipsum id, bibendum iaculis nisi.
Events Source source The source of the data - user or connection. varchar
Start Timestamp start_timestamp Unix Timestamp of when the event will start. int 1638375529
Status status The status of the event attendee. Either TENTATIVE, CONFIRMED or CANCELLED. varchar TENTATIVE
Tags tags The tags associated with the event (comma separated list). text creative, culture, art, music, design
Title title The title of the event. text Lorem Ipsum Event
Trigger trigger This property defines when an alarm will trigger. text 2 weeks
Type type The type of the event (comma separated list). text community, art, environmental
Updated Timestamp updated_timestamp Updated Timestamp. int 1861227082

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY, CON_ID and instance N.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

  "5": {
    "id": "5",
    "ds_id": "5",
    "action": "Reminder",
    "attendee": "Mary",
    "created_timestamp": "1638375529",
    "end_timestamp": "1639153129",
    "external_uid": "540",
    "location": "Edinburgh",
    "organiser": "Art Museum",
    "reminder_description": "In nulla urna, ullamcorper et ipsum id, bibendum iaculis nisi.",
    "start_timestamp": "1638375529",
    "status": "TENTATIVE",
    "tags": "creative, culture, art, music, design",
    "title": "Lorem Ipsum Event",
    "trigger": "2 weeks",
    "type": "community, art, environmental",
    "updated_timestamp": "1861227082"