Dataset: Health and Social Care Records

Dataset name: ds_hscr


Health and Social Care Records

Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
Created Timestamp created_timestamp Created Timestamp. int 1638375529
Delivery Timestamp delivery_timestamp Timestamp of when the data payload was delivered to the PDS. int 1639153129
HSCR Data hscr_data The full data from the originating source in whatever format it was delivered. blob
HSCR Data Format hscr_data_format This tells us what data structure standard we are receiving e.g OpenEHR, HL7,FHIR. varchar FHIR
HSCR Data Source hscr_data_source The data source that this HSCR originated from. varchar Social Care Professional
HSCR Delivery route hscr_delivery_route The name of the delivery route e.g. Health Data Exchange, Lenus Platform. varchar Lenus Platform
HSCR Title hscr_title Extracted from the payload a human readable name for the data payload. varchar
HSCR ID id The primary identifier for this record. serial 1
HSCR Instance instance The instance this item relates to. int 1
HSCR Source source The source of the data - user or connection. varchar
HSCR Source ID source_id This will be meta data about the record from the source. varchar
HSCR Source Version source_version If we can extract from the meta data about the payload a version number we should do so. varchar 123456789
Updated By updated_by The human readable name of the connection who updated an existing record provided by either themselves varchar Juliet Alexander
Updated Timestamp updated_timestamp Updated Timestamp. int 1639153129

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY and CON_ID and instance N.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

  "1": {
    "id": "1",
    "ds_id": "1",
    "created_timestamp": "1638375529",
    "delivery_timestamp": "1639153129",
    "hscr_data": " ",
    "hscr_data_format": "FHIR",
    "hscr_data_source": "Social Care Professional",
    "hscr_delivery_route": "Lenus Platform",
    "hscr_title": "",
    "source_id": null,
    "source_version": "123456789",
    "updated_by": "Juliet Alexander",
    "updated_timestamp": "1639153129"