Dataset: Home

Dataset name: ds_home


Data relating to a members home

Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
Bedrooms field_home_bedrooms The number of bedrooms in the member's home number 3
Country field_home_country The member's home country text England
County field_home_county The member's home county text Essex
Date From field_home_date_from The date the member moved in date 29222
Date To field_home_date_to The date the member moved out date 29222
Floor number field_home_floor The floor number of the home. int 1
Habitable Rooms field_home_habitable_rooms The number of habitable rooms in the member's home number 5
National Property Gazetteer Reference field_home_nlpg The National Property Gazetteer reference number text
Number of Residents field_home_num_residents The number of residents in the member's home number 4
Landlord Address Country field_home_owner_country The owner / landlord's country text United Kingdom
Landlord Address County field_home_owner_county The owner / landlord's county text Anycounty
Email Address field_home_owner_email_address email address for the owner / landlord text landlord@ .....
Name field_home_owner_name Name of the property owner / landlord text I. M. Landlord
Landlord Address Post Code field_home_owner_postcode The owner / landlord's post code text AB12 3CD
Landlord Address Street field_home_owner_street The owner / landlord's house number and street name text 100 High Street
Telephone Number field_home_owner_telephone_no Contact telephone number for the owner / landlord text 07890 123456
Landlord Address Town field_home_owner_town The owner / landlord's town text Anytown
Post Code field_home_postcode The member's home postcode text NB1 1AZ
Property Type field_home_property_type The type of property the member lives in text Flat
Room number field_home_room The room name or number of the home. varchar 1
Street field_home_street The member home house number and street name text 1 High Street
Tenancy field_home_tenancy The type of tenancy text Lodger
Town field_home_town The member's home town text Watford

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY and CON_ID.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

The connection's read/write permissions are listed for each field. All instances of an accessible dataset are indexed with instance_N notation from N=0.

  "1": {
    "id": "1",
    "field_home_bedrooms": "3",
    "field_home_country": "England",
    "field_home_county": "Essex",
    "field_home_date_from": "29222",
    "field_home_date_to": "29222",
    "field_home_floor": "1",
    "field_home_habitable_rooms": "5",
    "field_home_nlpg": null,
    "field_home_num_residents": "4",
    "field_home_owner_country": "United Kingdom",
    "field_home_owner_county": "Anycounty",
    "field_home_owner_email_address": "landlord@ .....",
    "field_home_owner_name": "I. M. Landlord",
    "field_home_owner_postcode": "AB12 3CD",
    "field_home_owner_street": "100 High Street",
    "field_home_owner_telephone_no": "07890 123456",
    "field_home_owner_town": "Anytown",
    "field_home_postcode": "NB1 1AZ",
    "field_home_property_type": "Flat",
    "field_home_room": "1",
    "field_home_street": "1 High Street",
    "field_home_tenancy": "Lodger",
    "field_home_town": "Watford"