Dataset: Identity Services

Dataset name: ds_identity_services_log


Identity Services Log

Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
ID id The primary identifier for Identity Service record. numeric 1
Annotation identity_services_annotation Any additional note the member has made Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Created identity_services_created When the identity was created 1638375529
Tags identity_services_tags Planning, Council, Project Management
Type identity_services_type Which identity the member was using Admin
URL identity_services_url The URL the member was at when they used this credential
Status identity_service_status Boolean indicating whether the Identity was successfully used. int 1
Title identity_service_title The Identity Service Title. varchar Project A
Instance instance The instance this transaction relates to. 2
Source source The source of the data - user or connection. text

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY, CON_ID and instance N.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

  "1": {
    "id": "1",
    "ds_id": "1",
    "identity_services_annotation": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "identity_services_created": "1638375529",
    "identity_services_tags": "Planning, Council, Project Management",
    "identity_services_type": "Admin",
    "identity_services_url": "",
    "identity_service_status": "1",
    "identity_service_title": "Project A"