Dataset: Voluntary

Dataset name: ds_voluntary


Details of voluntary activities.

Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
CRB CRB Number field_vol_crb_number The member's CRB number text 123456789
CRB Date of Expiry field_vol_date_of_expiry The expiration date of the CRB date 1638375529
CRB Expiry Alert field_vol_expiry_alert The expiration alert date of the CRB date
Host Organisation field_vol_host_organisation The host organisation name text Organisation
ID Number field_vol_id_number The member's ID number text 23
Notes field_vol_notes Additional notes text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Contact Address Country field_vol_organisation_country The contact address country text United Kingdom
Contact Address County field_vol_organisation_county The contact address county text Lanarkshire
Organisation Name field_vol_organisation_name The name of the organisation text Council
Contact Address Postcode field_vol_organisation_postcode The contact address postcode text AB1 1CD
Contact Address Street field_vol_organisation_street The contact address street text Main St
Contact Address Town field_vol_organisation_town The contact address town text Glasgow
Place of Activity field_vol_place_of_activity The volunteering place of activity text Office
Volunteering Pathway field_vol_volunteering_pathway Volunteering pathway text Beginner
Volunteer Hours field_vol_volunteer_hours The member's volunteering hours text 12
Volunteer Role field_vol_volunteer_role The member's volunteer role text Administrative Assistant

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY and CON_ID.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

The connection's read/write permissions are listed for each field. All instances of an accessible dataset are indexed with instance_N notation from N=0.

  "1": {
    "id": "1",
    "field_vol_crb_number": "123456789",
    "field_vol_date_of_expiry": "1638375529",
    "field_vol_expiry_alert": " ",
    "field_vol_host_organisation": "Organisation",
    "field_vol_id_number": "23",
    "field_vol_notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "field_vol_organisation_country": "United Kingdom",
    "field_vol_organisation_county": "Lanarkshire",
    "field_vol_organisation_name": "Council",
    "field_vol_organisation_postcode": "AB1 1CD",
    "field_vol_organisation_street": "Main St",
    "field_vol_organisation_town": "Glasgow",
    "field_vol_place_of_activity": "Office",
    "field_vol_volunteering_pathway": "Beginner",
    "field_vol_volunteer_hours": "12",
    "field_vol_volunteer_role": "Administrative Assistant"