Dataset: Medications

Dataset name: ds_medications


Medications / Prescriptions

Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
ATC Code atc_code ATC code: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System code varchar J05AE30
BNF Code bnf_code The British National Formulary Code for the drug varchar 0503060B0
Created Timestamp created_timestamp Unix timestamp of data record created int 1648633780
Dispensing Pharmacy dispensing_pharmacy Pharmacy name varchar Parade Pharmacy
Medications ID id The primary identifier for this record serial 1
Instance instance The primary identifier for this record int 1
Last Issued Date last_issued_date The last time prescription issued Unix timestamp int 1648633780
Medication Dosage medication_dosage JSON BLOB with the dosage taken and the frequency. blob 3 x a day / Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner or every eight hours take with food, avoid alcohol Dosage is per time it is taken 5mg 3 x a day
Medication Name medication_name Name of the medication varchar Paxlovid
Medication Notes medication_notes Notes: Any additional notes or comments related to the medication or prescription. varchar Controlled drug
Medication Status medication_status Whether or not the medication is currently being taken varchar Active
Medication URL medication_url URL / weblink to relevant MRD Medicines endpoint varchar
Prescriber Name prescriber_name The GP or Individual / healthcare provider who prescribed the medication. varchar Dr. Godley
Prescription End Date prescription_end_date End Date of prescription Unix timestamp int 1648633780
Prescription Start Date prescription_start_date Start Date of prescription Unix timestamp int 1648633780
Repeat Prescription repeat_perscription Is this a repeat prescription varchar Y/N
Repeat Prescription Days repeat_perscription_days Number of days supply of medication varchar 28
Repeat Prescription Quantity repeat_perscription_quantity Total amount of medication per repeat prescription varchar 112
SNOMED CT Code snomedct_code The SNOMED CT Code for the medication varchar 1240581000000104
Source source The source of the record varchar con_id e.g. 40213 or mydexid
Updated Timestamp updated_timestamp Unix timestamp of when record was last updated int 1648633780

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY, CON_ID and instance N.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

  "1": {
    "id": "1",
    "ds_id": "1",
    "atc_code": "J05AE30",
    "bnf_code": "0503060B0",
    "created_timestamp": "1648633780",
    "dispensing_pharmacy": "Parade Pharmacy",
    "last_issued_date": "1648633780",
    "medication_dosage": "3 x a day / Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner or every eight hours take with food, avoid alcohol Dosage is per time it is taken 5mg 3 x a day",
    "medication_name": "Paxlovid",
    "medication_notes": "Controlled drug",
    "medication_status": "Active",
    "medication_url": "",
    "prescriber_name": "Dr. Godley",
    "prescription_end_date": "1648633780",
    "prescription_start_date": "1648633780",
    "repeat_perscription": "Y/N",
    "repeat_perscription_days": "28",
    "repeat_perscription_quantity": "112",
    "snomedct_code": "1240581000000104",
    "updated_timestamp": "1648633780"