Dataset: Referrals Log

Dataset name: ds_referrals_log


A record of all referrals made on behalf of the member (citizen) to service providers by other servi

Fields in this dataset

Name Field Name Description Field Type Field Example
Action action varchar Referring
End Time end_time int 1639153129
Referrals Log ID id The primary identifier for this record. serial 2
Referrals Log Instance instance The instance this item relates to. int 1
Responsible User ID responsible_user_id int 321
Service Order ID service_order_id Link to the service order int 5046
Referrals Log Source source The source of the data - user or connection. varchar
Start Time start_time int 1638375529
Referral Status status The status of the service order. int Status
User ID user_id Link to the user who changed the order status. int 87

Making an API request for this Dataset

Example Request to the Sandbox Server

Replace the following with your own details: UID KEY, API_KEY, CON_ID and instance N.

Replace sbx-api with api when making a connection to a real member on the production server (must be authenticated).

To return the data in XML, change UID.json to UID.xml.

Example Response

A response to this API request will be structured as follows.

  "2": {
    "id": "2",
    "ds_id": "2",
    "action": "Referring",
    "end_time": "1639153129",
    "responsible_user_id": "321",
    "service_order_id": "5046",
    "start_time": "1638375529",
    "status": "Status",
    "user_id": "87"