PDS Asset Endpoints


Mydex provides a personal data store that can capture and organise structured and unstructured data of both a meta and transactional nature. It is not designed to be a general purpose document or file store but there are a range of scenarios where objects of specific types and their associated data may need to be stored, (e.g. a scanned document or image file, a PDF or other document format), in the context of a specific transaction or as part of an application or service that is using the PDS as the personal data repository.

This following is the draft documentation for the assets features of the PDS and API services within the Mydex platform. The capability is live in production and sandbox environments but we have not added this capability into the general purpose developer connections on the sandbox in preference for making it available to those Subscribing organisations who are working towards a live connection where we will set up a dedicated connection on the sandbox to support their project and connection objectives.

The rationale for this is in part to manage resource utilisation on the sandbox and also to prevent inappropriate use of the sandbox by unknown actors.

Asset Documentation

Parameters required for all of the endpoints listed below:

The PDS Create API requires the following items of member data:

Examples given as https://sbx-api.mydex.org. For use on production environment replace with https://api.mydex.org.

GET /api/assets/list

Shows a list of all assets in the member's PDS.

Optional parameters for filtering:



GET /api/assets/retrieve

Retrieve a specific asset. File is returned as base64 encoded string.

Additional required parameters:



POST /api/assets/upload

Upload an image or pdf to a member's PDS e.g. from a form.

Additional required parameters:

Required post data:

Optional post data:



POST /api/assets/add

Post a new asset to a member's PDS.

Additional required parameters:

Required post data:

Optional post data:



DELETE /api/assets/delete

Deletes a specific assets entry.

Additional required parameters:

